Accurate Future Prediction
If your birth date comes between November 22 and December 21, you are a Sagittarius and this year will be neutral for you. The ruling planet will provide you with many blessings after all. You meet new people and love can arrive in unexpected ways. Eclipses are falling across your money axis on January 5, July 2, July 16, and December 26 and anything is possible with your financial wish list. Health or fitness regime is that area that you can benefit from. From May, your life does begin to move ahead. From late September until the end of the year, your optimism returns and confidence just boost off.
Investments made in properties in this year will be profitable. There is a possibility of getting cheated if going for short-term revenues or there is a probability that your money will be trapped, so you better be more alert and cautious regarding financial matters. 7 months of the year will be financially strong.
All payments and paperwork will be done without any problems. Even if time is favoring you, don’t get excited about it, work with alertness and an open mind, you never know when the trouble appears. Make sure you check the background of people you connect with and don’t make contact with fraudulent individuals. There will be more cash at hand if expenses will be controlled.
The point of focus will always be on your income situation, matters and options as you move into the New Year, this due to the fact that the Sun will always spend the first three weeks of January in your income area. While this is when the solar spotlight shifts onto income part, it is the only secret what is there and that's what makes it a game-changing month. Shares trading will be lucrative and it will be all good on income front but invest carefully.