Accurate Future Prediction
Today is the 1st of December. This day is present with beneficial and non-benefic planets. Here, we have predicted daily horoscope for all twelve-zodiac signs. Check 12horoscopesigns.com for weekly and monthly horoscope prediction.
Your ruling planet is Mars and is in 1st house. Hence, it is not directly affecting you even though it is your ruling planet. Thus, you might face some aggression in whatever thing you do today.
Your ruling planet is Venus and is in 7th house. Hence, you will succeed in affairs, love, and relationship with the opposite sex without any difficulties. You can propose your love today and can get a positive node.
Geminians will act as a messenger today. Hence, you will carry a good message to someone you love, in your business or job. You will be appreciated for your good deed to act at the right time.
Your ruling planet is Moon and is in 7th house. Hence, you will feel gloomy today. It will help you if you keep away from negative people and bad companies.
Sun is in the 3rd house for people born in Leo zodiac sign. Hence, you will shine like the sun in your respective fields. Others will see you as a visionary.
Your ruling planet is Mercury and is in 1st house. Hence, you must be careful with your talks. A tongue slip from your end may lead to a big quarrel. Thus, speak with positive and trusted people only.
The hidden planet Rahu is in the 12th house. It will affect your relationship with your spouse, lover, and any loved ones. It is advisable to keep calm and never speak against them today to avoid a quarrel.
Scorpions have the negative effect of Sani or planet Saturn today. Hence, you will face hardship in whatever things you wish to do so. Thus, do not take any additional risk.
Your ruling planet is Jupiter and is in 5th house. Hence, you will be financially stable. It does not mean you can lend or invest money in any lucrative business.
Capricorn’s must be careful today with their health. Any lifestyle-related habits can cause you troublesome health issues related to that habit. Hence, avoid bad companies.
Aquarians ruling planet is Uranus. It is not present in today’s stellar constellation. Hence, you will spend this Tuesday as usual. It will help you if you do not take and additional job or risk in your business.
You have the blessings from the planet Jupiter. Hence, today is the best for investing in properties, security market and in online gambling. You will ripe well out of your investment.