Accurate Future Prediction
Today is the 25th day of December 2025. It might be a birthday for many people. Scorpion or Vriscika Rasi is the zodiac sign for them. Here, we have predicted daily horoscope as per Vedic Astrology. It will help you if you check-in details on 12horoscopesigns.com.
Ariens or Mesa Rasi has the malefic effect of Ketu or the Dragons Head. Hence, you will find many obstacles. However, you have to overcome them with your positive thoughts.
Taureans or Vrisabha Rasi people will spend a good time with your loved ones. It will help you if you can make a wise decision for the New Year to get married, have children and for your carrier perspective.
Geminians or Mithuna Rasi’s ruling planet Mars, is in the 12th house. Hence, you need to bargain a lot to get your things done. It will help you if you spend more time today with your family members.
Cancerians or Karka Rasi’s ruling planet is Moon. It is in the waxing gibbous phase. Thus, you will feel a mood swing and will not be interested in doing any physical activities.
Leo or Simha Rasi people will get into socializing, partying, and get-togethers today. You will gain new friends today. They will be supportive in future for love, carrier, and business.
Virgos or Kanya Rasi people will win the hearts of others with your communication skills. You will be blessed if you give food to poor people. Thus, do some charities on this yearend.
Libran's or Tula Rasi people will feel love is in the air. Thus, it will help you if you meet loved ones and spend more time with them today. Un-proposed lovers can propose today to get a positive result.
Scorpions or Vriscika Rasi people have the blessing from Mars and Jupiter. Hence, you will be financially sound to meet holiday expenses. You might go for an outing with your loved ones or friends.
Sagittarians or Dhanusa Rasi people will tempt to speculate money on luxury and comforts. You can expect an uninvited guest today. They will bring some good news related to a marriage alliance.
Capricorn’s or Makara Rasi people have the negative influence of Saturn. It will help you if you start your day by praying to Lord Sani. It can reduce the bad influence of Sani.
Aquarians or Kumbha Rasi people must try to detox your body today. It will help to maintain good health. It will help you if you spend some time with your children.
Pisces or Mina Rasi people will spend this Saturday as usual. You must not speculate money as it will bring losses. Thus, you must not lend or borrow money today.