Accurate Future Prediction
The people born in-between May 21st to June 21st are Geminian. It is the 3rd sign in the Zodiac as per astrology. Its symbol is Twins. It represents the element Air and their zodiac quality is very mutable. Its ruling planet is Mercury.
The year 2025 is very favorable for the Geminian family and children. As you are a lovable person, you can expect the same from your family members. You and your children will have a good time this year. You will take care very much of them than your parents.
Your spouse and children will be supportive of you. This automatically will unite your family with happiness. As far as your parents are concerned, they do agree with your parenting. You love people, and it is advisable to attend every family get together.
In-between 20th July to 16th November, the Geminian family will have a great positive time. Parents, you and your children will be healthy. This is the right time to take a decision on marriage if you are not married.
You must be very careful in-between 14th April to 19th July. Your parent’s health may become worse due to old age. You must take care of your children food as they can get the stomach related ailments. This year seems to be with some health issues in your family.
Your attitude matters as you have to keep your family environment healthy and happy. Your lucky color is green and wears this color dresses to attract positive energy. You must use Pearl or a Jade as an ornament on your body to eradicate negative energy in your home. This will be beneficial to your family too.