Accurate Future Prediction
Today is the 29th day of January 2025. People born on this day belong to Aquarius zodiac sign or Kumba Rasi. Here, we have predicted daily horoscope for all twelve-zodiac signs. Check 12horoscopesigns.com for weekly and monthly horoscope prediction as per Vedic Astrology.
Mesa Rasi or Ariens are blessed with their ruling planet Mars in conjunction with Venus. Thus, you will feel aggressive, possessive, and lust with your lover or in a relationship today.
Vrisabha Rasi or Taurus zodiac sign have the blessing from ruling planet Venus in conjunction with Rahu and Moon. Thus, bad luck, a dispute with your loved ones is unavoidable today.
Mithuna Rasi or Gemini zodiac sign have to control their words today. It will help if you could listen more and talk less. Over talking, today may lead to unwanted quarrel in workplace and public.
Karka Rasi or Cancerians working in Media, entertainment, interior designing, website designers and all types of artists will find some hardship in their work or profession today.
Simha Rasi or Leo's are having the blessings from the Sun today. Hence, it will help if you could do all your works, deeds, charity, financial dealings after the sunrise and before the sunset today.
Kanya Rasi or Virgos will get some new projects or assignments today. Hence, use your intelligence to execute well today. It will ripe you the result today itself. You will get an appreciation for those works.
Tula Rasi or Libran's ruling planet Venus is weak in today’s stellar constellation. Hence, you cannot expect love, relationship, affairs, and friendship with others favouring your thoughts.
Vriscika Rasi or Scorpions have the malefic effect of Ketu or the Dragon’s Head today. Thus, you will face many hardships in your education, work, or business. Hence, avoid taking additional risks or works.
Dhanusa Rasi or Sagittarians ruling planet Jupiter is weak today. Hence, avoid financial dealings, travel, signing business deals, buy or sell properties and vehicles. You must take care of your health today.
Makara Rasi or Capricorn’s have blessings from all positive planets present in today’s stellar combinations. Hence, achieve successes, good luck, money, love, travel, and good health today.
Kumbha Rasi or Aquarians have the blessings from Mercury and Mars. Yet, you have the negative effects of Sani or Saturn today. Hence, take precautions before dealing with any works you wish to do today.
Mina Rasi or Pisces will do well today. You have the neutral influence of today’s planetary positions. Thus, you can do what your mind says so. A short trip is unavoidable related to your profession or work.