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29 June Horoscope 2025 Prediction

The planetary position on 29/06/2025 is with Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. This is apart from the Sun, Moon, Dragon’s head, and tail. This day might be a birthday for many people. Yet people born on 29th June 2025 are Cancerians. Here, we have predicted the daily horoscope for all 12-zodiac signs. You can check 12horoscopesigns.com for weekly and monthly horoscopes too.

Aries 29 June Horoscope 2025

People born in Mesa Rasi or Aries zodiac sign is ruled by planet Mars today. Hence, you will find more courage to do anything related to your love, business, and job. Yet, the Ariens in love must not be aggressive with their loved ones. This can lead to quarrels and end up with lust. The Ariens with high temper must be cool today, as the power of Mars will make you more aggressive.

Taurus 29 June Horoscope 2025

People born in Vrisabha Rasi or Taurus zodiac sign is ruled by planet Venus. Yet, you will be more romantic today. Your beauty will pull peoples towards you. This can be through social media and while in socializing. Today, you may tempt to be in pleasure with full activities. You may take a leisure trip with your loved ones and spend lavishly to satisfy him or her.

Gemini 29 June Horoscope 2025

People born in Mithuna Rasi or Gemini zodiac sign have a bad influence on planet Mercury and Mars. This is because they are combined with the dragon’s head or Rahu. This malefic effect will make your day unlucky. It is advisable to wear a yellow color gem to avoid the vibes of Rahu. You must not lend money or invest in any savings schemes.

Cancer 29 June Horoscope 2025

People born in Karka Rasi or Cancer zodiac sign have more influence on Moon today. You will be more creative today and you will be appreciated for that. You may tempt to make a new habit, which may be introduced by your friends. Your emotions will be overruled today as the effect of Moon in your sign.

Leo 29 June Horoscope 2025

People born in Simha Rasi or Leo zodiac sign will find this day as most beneficial. This is because; luck favors your sign today. You will complete yesterday’s pending tasks. You will get some money through lucrative business, which you are not active now. You can invest that passive income to further savings.

Virgo 29 June Horoscope 2025

People born in Kanya Rasi or Virgo zodiac sign have the benefits of positive planets today. You will be financially sound to carry your activities. You will find the best support from your family, loved ones, relatives, and friends. It is advisable to think positively and accept those helping hands. This will make your day successful.

Libra 29 June Horoscope 2025

People born in Tula Rasi or Libra zodiac sign is ruled by planet Venus today. You will dedicate your time to health and beauty. People in love will spend a romantic time. Altogether, love is in the air for Librans. Therefore, you will be loved to be with your loved ones today. This is the right day to speak your love if you have not proposed him or her yet.

Scorpio 29 June Horoscope 2025

People born in Vriscika Rasi or Scorpio zodiac sign will find a day with mixed reactions. This is due to the effect of good and malefic planets. You must wear maroon color attires to avoid those negative effects of the dragon’s head and tail. You must not speculate today. This will bring in losses. You must not take new risks today, as it will lead to failure.

Sagittarius 29 June Horoscope 2025

People born in Dhanusa Rasi or Sagittarius zodiac sign ruling planet is Jupiter. Hence, you will find good luck today. People in business will find unexpected customers. People in jobs will find new tasks, which are challenging and with good rewards. You do expect some unexpected gain from the inherited property. It is the right day to invest in financial markets too.

Capricorn 29 June Horoscope 2025

People born in Makara Rasi or Capricorn zodiac sign ruling planet is Saturn today. This malefic planet along with the hidden planets is going to make your day worst. It is advisable to pray Shani Baghawan or visit a nearby Sani temple to avoid the bad effects of the dragon’s head and tail. It is advisable to wear earthy shade colors to bring good luck.

Aquarius 29 June Horoscope 2025

People born in Kumbha Rasi or Aquarius zodiac sign will have a pleasant day today. You are blessed with the beneficial planets. People in business will find supernatural profits. People in jobs will seek appreciations. Students will shine in their studies. Overall, Aquarians will get support from their families and friends to make this day most happening in June 2025 month end.

Pisces 29 June Horoscope 2025

People born in Mina Rasi or Pisces zodiac sign ruling planet is Jupiter today. You will find this day as most prosperous during the month-end. Yet, your 10th house is with Saturn, which can cause some health issues. The rest of the things will happen, as you desired. You will get support from the people surrounding you.

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