Accurate Future Prediction
Today is the May 17, 2025, month-Baishakh month, Paksha-Shukla Paksha, Date-Panchami. Let us know from the Panchang, the auspicious and inauspicious time of May 17, Muhurta and Rahukaal. Sunrise - 5:48 AM and Sunset - 6:57 PM. Moon rise-9: 55 AM and Moon set - 11:52 PM. The Moon will transmit in the Gemini zodiac until 06:53 AM and then on the Cancer zodiac. Time of Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga - May 17 01:22 PM - May 18 05:48 AM. Auspicious time - Abhijeet Muhurta - 11:56 AM - 12:49 PM. Amrit Kaal - 10:45 AM - 12:30 PM. Brahma Muhurta - 04:12 AM - 05:00 AM. Unlucky time Yama Gand - 10:44 AM - 12:23 PM. Kulik - 2:02 PM - 3:40 PM. Dermuhurta - 12:49 PM - 01:42 PM, 03:27 PM - 04:19 PM. Virjyam - 09:53 PM - 11:35 PM. Rahukkal time is from 07:27 AM to 09:06 AM.
Today, there may be some worries and some losses, due to which there may be some problems. Life partner will get support and can go somewhere to roam. Do not let anger dominate you, otherwise, work can go haywire. Take care of the elderly. Children will remain healthy.
More and more work can be done today. The loan given can also be repaid. Socially values and prestige will increase. Take control of expenses new friends can be formed and old ancestors will be supported. Life partner will get support. The whole day will be happy. The day of a marriage partner is suitable for unmarried people.
Any big problem can be got rid of. An unknown person can cause harm. Money will benefit. Family and life partner will be together. There will be transaction opportunities, work with caution. Can go for a walk or will meet old friends.
The day will be normal. There may be some debate in the house. There may be some problems. Legal problems may also come up. Listen to the talk of life partner. You can travel for any work. Take care of the food.
Today will be an auspicious day. Relations with relatives will be resolved. There is a need to be careful with opponents. The day is good for the students. The economic situation will improve and there may be travel for some work. The day will also be good for married people. You can meet officers in the workplace and you can also get a promotion.
Today will be a great day for you. You will enjoy their married life. The youth will get benefit today. Maybe meet an enlightened person. There is a need to be careful with unfamiliar people. The economic sum is strong. Health will improve. Can go somewhere for enjoyment.
Your health will improve. The primary trend will increase and feel positive. You can get chances of a promotion. Some problems may occur in married life. Be careful while driving the vehicle. Today, the efforts made for the job will be meaningful.
There may be financial troubles. Some new expenses may come. You may have to go out for some work. Life partner will support you. You can get profit in business. There is a need to be careful with opponents. Say your things carefully because there may be discord. Be patient while doing some work.
The atmosphere in the home family will be pleasant. You can take stress on something. Students may also have some problems. There can be controversy in the office as well. Today will be a normal day. Avoid lending to anyone. Do not make any kind of investment today.
Today, you can be busy with any family work. You can also help any needy person. Today, there is a need to be wary of opponents, someone may accuse you. There can also be a tension of something. Today is a good day for the students. Work-related to career can be made.
Today is auspicious for you. Some important problems will get rid of. You can get financial benefits. You can visit any religious place which will give mental peace. Give life partner some treats. You can meet relatives today. Today will also be a happy day for the students.
Today, there will be a lot of support from the elderly. You can also start any new work. Do not eat anything outside today. Today some routines may also change. Avoid getting drunk today. You can go somewhere to hang out with friends. Today is a very auspicious day for businessmen.