Accurate Future Prediction
Today is the 29th of October 2025. This date is present with favourable and hostile planets. Please fin the daily horoscope predictions for all-12 zodiac signs. If necessary, you must see 12horoscopesigns.com for the weekly and monthly astrological forecast.
Your ruling planet is Mars. Thus, it will support today with immense power to do anything you like to do so. Hence, you will achieve success too. Therefore, you will shine like Mars today.
The Taureans, who have not proposed his or her love, can propose today. Your ruling planet Venus support this day with love and happiness. It will help you if you speak directly with your loved ones.
Your ruling planet Mercury is in the 12th house. Yet, it will support you in education, communication and mind power. It will help you if you use your creative sense to make your day successful today.
Your ruling planet is Moon. It is in the Waxing Gibbous Phase. Hence, you will feel grove for the whole day. It will help you if you avoid your loved ones by any means of communications.
Today, you will spend this day as usual, as you do on Thursdays. It is because you do not have any effect of the beneficiary, and malefic planets present in today’s stellar constellation.
The Virgos have the blessings from the planet Mercury today. It will help you in your studies, reasoning skills and intelligence. Thus, you will be successful in your job or business.
Today, you have the negative effect of the Dragons Tail or Ketu. Hence, there will be many obstacles you will face to achieve your goals. Thus, hardship will follow from the start of this day.
The Scorpions have the negative effect of the Dragons Tail today. Hence, you must start your day by praying to Sani Bhagavan. It will reduce the negative impact of this hidden planet.
Your ruling planet Jupiter is in the 6th house. It will support you in finance, will power, positivity and with good luck. Hence, you will achieve what you wish to do so on this Thursday.
Your ruling planet Saturn is in the 4th house. Hence, bad luck follows you in every step you take today. It is advisable to keep away with lending and borrowing money. It will make you in long-term debt.
The Aquarians will spend this day with no good luck or bad luck. Hence, it will help you if you do not desire for luxury and spending money to make any easy money.
Today, you have the malefic effect of the planet Saturn. You can avoid it by wearing an aquamarine stone in ring or dollar form. Today, you must not speculate with money matters.